Changing Behaviors With Attainment

sdwheelnewHow do you ensure your staff change behaviors – and keep the change?

Tery Tenant, a colleague in the change management and leadership industry, is a committed change agent. He teaches, writes about, communicates about, being a Servant Leader – a term I’ve been using for myself for over 20 years so I’ve got a bit of a bias going here. His company, Attainment Inc., is a franchise of  Leadership Mmanagement International, and has been leading change for 21 years with his wife Linda.

Their stuff is really cool: they teach people how to be aware of what they want to change, and then gives them the tools to change. Tery says his job, ultimately, is to “work ourselves out of a job, as the client grows and can do these things for themselves.” Refreshing!

At the core of their process is facilitating behavior change. They work toward achieving measurable behavior-change results. Attainment says, “What you are doing differently and the new habits you are forming is as important as what you are learning. We use a two track process. One track provides awareness, ideas and tools. The second track focuses on applying the ideas on the job and achieving small goals weekly.”


Different from my decision facilitation material that goes after change from the level of beliefs, Tery works in interesting ways with behavior change: they have a list of very sophisticated programs to create awareness for change, develop leaders, set goals, and measure performance. Go to: Attainment’s Behavior Change Process and have a look around. Btw, Tery told me to send you to that link, but I prefer this page: Getting Value & ROI from Your People Development Activities. You choose. The site has a lot of great reading material on it as well.

Personally, Tery is a man who can be trusted, and walks his talk – a very rare commodity these days. Both he and Linda are deeply committed to making a difference, and finding and creating leaders to make the world a better place. If you are seeking to enhance your employees skills, and want them to be people who you are proud of, Attainment is the group for you. Good job, folks.


Together, they lead to measurable behavior changes and goal achievement. Our process includes:

  • Identify Specific Goals and Behavior Changes
  • Establish Measurement for Each Goal
  • Create Communication Triangle with Participant, Participant’s Manager, Attainment Facilitator
  • Spaced Repetition of New Ideas (CDs and Reading)
  • Participate in Facilitated Classes (a few hours a week over a period of time)
  • Set and Achieve Weekly Goals
  • Review Goals and Progress Throughout Program

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