
jeff blackwellJeff  Blackwell is an interesting kinda guy. He’s a really successful commercial real estate guy who knows his business and hasn’t had many issues during this housing crisis because of the type of business he’s run. He works, lives, breathes integrity. To that end, he has a passion for sales. And this is where I come in.

Jeff runs a site in his spare time. Sales Practice is an ‘everything-sales’  site. He has a very very active and involved community of sales folks who hold passionate discussions about sales. And he keeps an eagle eye on the discussion groups, making sure that no one is putting anyone else down, that all discussions are respectful and considerate, and he will quickly take off posts if he finds they will hurt someone.

Jeff does book reviews, has a job opportunity section, features sales training articles and links, introduces CRM capability for sellers. Whatever a seller needs is on Jeff’s site. And not only does he charge nothing and receive no income for his time and trouble, but he sees the site as his gift to sales. He loves the field, and is committed to making available all of the best material that he can so folks can take it and be better sellers.

Fortunately, years ago, Jeff found me (or did I find him??) and he fell in love with Buying Facilitation™, believing (rightly, if I might humbly concur) thatBF is actually a spiritually-based, integrity-filled way to truly serve clients. He also recognized that it wasn’t sales and managed a very different element of the buying decision process than sales manages. He began shouting my name from the rafters: one person actually thought that I owned the site; another person told him to please stop sending him emails about Sharon-Drew Morgen. Of course, I loved it, even if it was slightly (oh, just ever-so-slightly) obnoxious. But Jeff did it all out of passion for the field – that he had something that would help sales be all it could be.

Now that my book is out and doing so well, I would like to publically thank Jeff for his passion, his vision, his heart, and his commitment to Excellence. And I hope you all go to his site and find it to be a forum to discuss your thoughts and ideas on how to make sales a truly professional, integrous, career.

Thanks, Jeff. You’re the best. And the field is a better profession because you’re in it.


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